Thursday, April 29

What I'm loving.......

Here are some of my favorite things I've discovered this week. I think some purchases will be made this weekend. Sorry Ben :)
Duh they're striped
Throw on a simple T and you're out the door. Let the necklace do the talking
Spring has sprung. It's time for some new gardening tools
I'm always on the hunt for new bedding. It's an instant makeover.
This is just fun and I want one for work, even though I rarely use a pencil
One of my favorite colors this spring
I used to hate wearing shorts but I can't get enough of them this season. Perhaps it's because designers woke up and are making 5" & 7" inseams. Perfect!!!

A new bedtime book for Beckett? Maybe not, but a definite buy for a couple of years down the road!

*images courtesy of Anthropolgie and Nordstrom

Monday, April 19

Beckett's first road trip

We took a little road trip on Friday to Lottsburg, Va aka the Northern Neck. My in-laws have a beautiful house there on the Coan River. It was opening season for fishing so the boys spent all day catching dinner while the girls hit the local wine festival.

We also got to see wonderful friends that, unfortunately, we do not see as much as we'd like to and meet new members of the "Eddyspark Family". Eddyspark Drive is the street we all grew up on. Our parents are all friends, we are all friends and this weekend we got to introduce the third generation to each other. I can only hope that Beckett is fortunate enough to grow up on a street so special, where he will make lasting friendships. I am sure throughout the future of this blog you will read much more about "Eddyspark" so I will save more of the history for later. Back to the weekend...............

It doesn't get any fresher than this. Caught that morning, grilled that night.
Beckett and his cousin Jaxon. We were able to get some pretty cute pics, despite the fact that the boys don't hold still for longer than 5 seconds.
Jaxon is on the move and Beckett will be chasing close behind in a couple more months.
Beckett laughing at his Uncle Evan
Beckett and Easton
Here they are............. the third generation. They don't know how lucky they are to be born into such a great family.
I love this picture of Jaxon. He is so handsome.
Nana and her boys, Jaxon and Beckett
Easton and Beckett laughing. These two aren't quite as mobile as Jaxon so it's a little easier to take pictures. It's getting them to look at the same camera at the same time that is tricky.
Beckett and Leanna :)
Aunt Caitlin and the boys
Josh and Brittany finally get to meet Beckett :)
What proud Papa's. Ben and Beckett & Connor and Easton. Not a bad looking group of boys.

Beckett and his Uncle Evan

Thursday, April 15

It's been too long

Well, I'm back to work. Can you tell? Haven't done a post for like a month. Ooops! I guess life kinda got in the way. Not to worry though, here is the update!
This is Manster a.k.a Tregg. Ever since Beckett came along he thinks it is his job in life to protect him. How does this go over with the other dogs? Not too well. Such a cute face though, right? We love that he wants to protect his little brother but not at the others expense. I'll keep you posted, I think we've got it figured out.
Who are these people? They are my wonderful parents. They have been kind enough to put their lives on hold and take care of Beckett for us while we are at work. Even though just my mom is staying with us, I still say "they" because I know it is hard for them to be apart. Although, I have seen alot of Jim lately :) We are so grateful to have their help and Beckett absolutely adores them both!!
Here he is! My little man is huge. I feel like I just woke up and all of the sudden he is 4 months old. Holy cow!! He is so much fun now. He smiles and laughs at everything, he will talk your ear off and he is trying really hard to roll over. And the best part? He sleeps 12 hours a night. It makes for a happy baby, happy parents and happy grandma :)

This is Beckett's first Easter. I'm pretty sure he could care less but it was a great photo op. Wish he was in a better mood though. His poor cousin Rachel had to hold on pretty tight to his fussy flailing. What a good big cousin she is.

We are going to my in-laws River House this weekend. It will be Beckett's first road trip. We are excited because we get to see friends and family that we haven't seen in a while. We always have a great time there. More pics and great stories when we get back :)